Monday, April 11, 2011

multiple intelligences

by Dr.Howard Gadner (1983)
  • Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
  • Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
  • Musical intelligence ("music smart")
  • Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
  • Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
  • Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

It is important for teachers to care about multiple intelligence; according to Kagan (2000), there are ten top reasons why teachers should care about MI in the classroom of which using of multiple intelligence in the classroom will better prepare students for tomorrow's complex making, making the curriculum accessible to all students, and making the content area engaging and exciting to all students are only three. Students should be taught based on their ability and ways of learning; active and involved teaching is a step towards students' academic success. MI asks the question, in what ways are students smart, rather than, are they smart. Teachers generally carry the belief that all students are capable of achieving; MI considers this and indicates the tools, teaching strategies that will bring forth such success (Denig, 2004).


Sunday, April 10, 2011

giFted LeaRners

The Gifted StudentBut....
· Asks many questions and is very curious
· Possesses a large amount of information
· Has a good memory
· Easily gets "off task" and "off topic"
· Is impatient when not called on in class 
The Gifted StudentBut..
· Learns new information quickly
· Retains information easily
· Masters reading skills earlier 
· Demonstrates strong abilities in math
· Displays unusual academic achievement
· Finishes classwork quickly
· Is easily bored
· Can become disruptive in class
· Shows strong resistance to repetitive activities and memorization
· Completes work quickly but sloppily
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Is interested in many things
· Becomes involved in a variety of activities
· Is motivated to try new things
· Enjoys a challenge 

· May resist working on activities apart from areas of interest
· Leaves projects unfinished
· Takes on too much and becomes overwhelmed
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Thinks independently
· Expresses unique and original opinions
· Is self-motivated
· Challenges authority
· Does not handle criticism well
· Does not work well in groups
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Uses higher level thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
· Makes connections other students don't see
· Considers unusual approaches to problem-solving

· Tends to be absent-minded regarding practical details
· Forgets homework assignments
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Has a strong sense of justice
· Likes to debate current issues and real life problems
· Can be very critical of self and others
· Likes to argue a point
· Is a perfectionist and expects others to be perfect as well
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Has a sophisticated sense of humor
· Understands subtle humor
· Enjoys plays on words and satire
· Easily gets carried away with a joke
· Has a tendency to become the "class clown"
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Demonstrates strong expressive skills
· Is sensitive to feelings of others
· Elaborates on ideas
· Shows skill in drama/art/music/language
· Sometimes perceived as a "know-it-all" by peers
· Is sometimes "bossy" to peers in group situations
