Thursday, October 20, 2011

pasang surut

da 2 minggu demam pas tu ok pas tu demam balik..+++BAtuk
hopefully cepat2 la baik

p/s: betul ke aku gne pasang surut tuhh  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Kunjungan ke-3 ke Negeri di Bawah Bayu itu
Lepas 2minggu balik baru buat entri pasal ni
Hihi...balik2 ni bz, so sekarang la baru ade masa..
Jalan2 tengok suasana kat sana..mane la tau nanti kena posting kat sana 
Tapi...harap2 nya tak...:^_^
Dalam banyak2 tempat yang sy pergi, Kundasang is the BEST place!!!!
Suasana pemandangan yang penuh kehijauan yang berlatarbelakangkan pemandangan Gunung Kinabalu
Sungguh mendamaikan n I really2 miss that place
Agak mengecewakan juga kerana cuti yang lepas tak sempat berkunjung ke sana.
Kudat, destinasiku pada percutian yang lepas.
Agak menarik~~~
Dapat melihat pemandangan The Tip of Borneo-tempat pertembungan Laut Sulu n Laut China Selatan

The Tip of Borneo

 Bakso Kudat....bakso paling sedap y penah jumpa kt SABAH

 Pantai Bak-Bak

Rumah Panjang Kaum Rungus
Kg. Bavanggazo
Kudat, SABAH

Hopefully, dapat berkunjung ke Negeri di Bawah Bayu lagi.....NICE!!!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

...:::pErsaHabaTan seUmuR HidUp:::...

The Grand Reunion Smachian0307

Mengungkap kembali kenangan bersama selama 5 tahun di SMACH tercinta.
Setelah 4 tahun berpisah kini kami bersua kembali di tempat pertemuan itu.
Kenangan yang tidak akan dilupakan sepanjang hayat.
Disini kami belajar mengenal erti persahabatan.
Segala suka dan duka dikongsi bersama.
Selain tempat menimba ilmu, di situ juga tempat bertemu sahabat2 yang terbaik yang pernah saya jumpa.
Khas untuk sahabat2 ku sekalian,
persahabatan itu anugerah daripada Allah s.w.t
sama-samalah kita menjaga ukhwah kita yang sudah lama terjalin.

Merindui senyuman-senyuman manis sahabatku sekalian.
~~eVerLasTinG meMoriEs~~


Monday, April 11, 2011

multiple intelligences

by Dr.Howard Gadner (1983)
  • Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
  • Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
  • Musical intelligence ("music smart")
  • Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
  • Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
  • Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

It is important for teachers to care about multiple intelligence; according to Kagan (2000), there are ten top reasons why teachers should care about MI in the classroom of which using of multiple intelligence in the classroom will better prepare students for tomorrow's complex making, making the curriculum accessible to all students, and making the content area engaging and exciting to all students are only three. Students should be taught based on their ability and ways of learning; active and involved teaching is a step towards students' academic success. MI asks the question, in what ways are students smart, rather than, are they smart. Teachers generally carry the belief that all students are capable of achieving; MI considers this and indicates the tools, teaching strategies that will bring forth such success (Denig, 2004).


Sunday, April 10, 2011

giFted LeaRners

The Gifted StudentBut....
· Asks many questions and is very curious
· Possesses a large amount of information
· Has a good memory
· Easily gets "off task" and "off topic"
· Is impatient when not called on in class 
The Gifted StudentBut..
· Learns new information quickly
· Retains information easily
· Masters reading skills earlier 
· Demonstrates strong abilities in math
· Displays unusual academic achievement
· Finishes classwork quickly
· Is easily bored
· Can become disruptive in class
· Shows strong resistance to repetitive activities and memorization
· Completes work quickly but sloppily
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Is interested in many things
· Becomes involved in a variety of activities
· Is motivated to try new things
· Enjoys a challenge 

· May resist working on activities apart from areas of interest
· Leaves projects unfinished
· Takes on too much and becomes overwhelmed
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Thinks independently
· Expresses unique and original opinions
· Is self-motivated
· Challenges authority
· Does not handle criticism well
· Does not work well in groups
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Uses higher level thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
· Makes connections other students don't see
· Considers unusual approaches to problem-solving

· Tends to be absent-minded regarding practical details
· Forgets homework assignments
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Has a strong sense of justice
· Likes to debate current issues and real life problems
· Can be very critical of self and others
· Likes to argue a point
· Is a perfectionist and expects others to be perfect as well
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Has a sophisticated sense of humor
· Understands subtle humor
· Enjoys plays on words and satire
· Easily gets carried away with a joke
· Has a tendency to become the "class clown"
The Gifted StudentBut....
· Demonstrates strong expressive skills
· Is sensitive to feelings of others
· Elaborates on ideas
· Shows skill in drama/art/music/language
· Sometimes perceived as a "know-it-all" by peers
· Is sometimes "bossy" to peers in group situations


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

caRL RogErs

“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn - and change”


 “People are essentially trustworthy, that they have a vast potential for understanding themselves and resolving their own problems without direct intervention on the therapist’s part, and that they are capable of self-directed growth if they are involved in a specific kind of therapeutic relationship.”


“I have days when I think that educational institutions at all levels are doomed, and perhaps we would be well advised to bid them farewell---and let true learning begin to blossom outside the stifling hallowed halls.”






Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Discovery learning is an inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned. 

Discovery learning encourages students to actively use their intuition, imagination, and creativity.

Bruner puts forward a learning theories that consists of three representational stages:-

a) Enactive stage (0-2years old) -------------> action
     > students who learn addition and subtraction using things, 
    e.g base ten blocks, woods, stone, beads etc
b) Iconic stage (2-4years old) ---------------> image
     > students use paper and pencil to solve problem. they are able to visualize image
     e.g solve 234+674
c) Symbol stage (5-7years old) ---------------> symbol
    > students are able to use symbol for abstract. 

According to Bruner, learning begins with an action that involves touching, emotion and manipulation.


construction principle
Better for a student to learn a new concept in mathematics is to construct his own presentation. The teacher presents examples and the students work with the examples until they discover the interrelationships.
e.g teacher introduce the concept of gradient by giving formula. teacher ask students what they found after discovering the formula. students should realize some basic characteristics about gradient :::::::::D--two parallel lines have same gradient
               :::::::::D--horizontal line has zero gradient
               :::::::::D--positive & negative gradient
notation principle
notation used in teaching should be suitable with intellectual development stage. For example, brackets should used when teaching primary school......
e.g 2+(3x5)=17        e.g use of ( X ) and ( . ) in multiplication 

contrast & variation principle
most of the mathematical concepts are easy to understand if they are compared with other concepts.
> multiplication & division
> differentiation & integration
> intersection set & union set 

connectivity principle  
every mathematical concept, principle and skill is connected to other concepts, principles & skills 
e.g concept of gradient  of a straight line
      - tangent of the curve at a certain point
      -derivative of dy/dx
      -continuous function
      -graphs of increasing & decreasing functions

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Seymour Papert defines that 
"The word constructionism is a mnemonic for two aspects of the theory of science education underlying this project. From constructivist theories of psychology we take a view of learning as a reconstruction rather than as a transmission of knowledge. Then we extend the idea of manipulative materials to the idea that learning is most effective when part of an activity the learner experiences as constructing a meaningful product."
  • learning occurs "most felicitously" when constructing a public artifact
  • more about methods
  • constructing i a good way to get mental constructions build
  • learning by making or create something
  • learning is most effective when the learner experiences as constructing a meaningful product 
Constructivism is deeper in its application, than could be conveyed by any such formula
Let students play around with things. Let them try to do something or taste it. 
For example, they make construction such as build sand castle or by using their toys. LEGO or puzzle.
Students will get satisfaction when they do their own construction.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

BRING OUR INTROVERTED STUDENTS OUT OF THEIR SHELLS >make them become active learners<(literature review)

When we choose the teaching profession, we will be confronted with various students. Some of them easier to control and some beyond the control of teachers.

So, here we can use the learning theories to control our class. I think I want to use constructivism theory. The benefits of constructivist philosophies in the classroom are abundant. It is important for all teachers to be aware of constructivist philosophies in order to increase the learning ability of students in the classroom.

Even at the present time many students are exposed to the outside world, there is still a small number of students are still in their shell. They are quiet in class, just wait and getting on what they are asked to do. Moreover, they still avoid pushing themselves and feel them unnoticed. They are known as 'passive learners'.

For this kind of students, they actually miss out some skill “alternative curriculum”. Skills such as work with others or co-operation. Skills on how to involve in discussion and sharing ideas or forming of opinions. So, we are as the teachers should find the best way in order to bring the introverted students out of their shells.

One of the best ways to make them build their confidence and make them to become active learner is prepare some activities that required them to involve. 

Examples of the activities

Personalized learning
Introverted students become disaffected with a particular subject or teachers. They felt undervalued because they are not excellent in class. So, ask them to write a letter or an essay about themselves and something they like. Then, ask them about what they wrote. They will become more comfortable in class.

Besides that, introverted students not participate in class because most of them fear that what they said wrong, so they become quiet. Encourage the students to participate by giving them questions in class and let they think by themselves. Then ask them to share their ideas in pair or group. This activity relieves pressures on an individual student by making them all equal and allowing for thinking time.

Create class rules
Make a rule such that students should be expected to respect others when they are talking, listen to each other and treat each other as they would want to be treated. Other than that, do not allow any students rude or laughs at someone else.

In addition, to bring the introverted students out of their shell and make them become active learners, teachers need to use different learning style. Create more interactive and innovative activities to avoid students bored in class and make learning become enjoyable.

p/s : menolong pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan untuk konstruk idea dan pengetahuan mereka dengan langkah-langkah yang mendorong mereka menjadi aktif "active learners". Mencuba cara yang termudah dan paling mudah untuk pelajar faham dan mempraktikkannya. Menyemai perasaan seronok dan teruja untuk belajar dalam setiap pelajar supaya mereka tidak lg terkongkong dalam dunia mereka sahaja. hal ini seterusnya meningkatkan minat mereka untuk belajar...:D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Constructivism in mathematics

Constructivism is based on perspective put forward by Jean Piaget in his theory of learning and theory of cognitive development but might not include some opinions, conceptions or assumptions in that theory.

Constructivism can be described as a learning process that explains how knowledge is acquired and structured in the mind of an individual.

School-based knowledge should not be transmitted from the teacher to the students in a complete form. Students need to construct the knowledge based on their experience and ability.

Constructivism can be applied in the learning of mathematics for students of various ages and level of ability. 

Mathematics instruction encourage and allow students to construct their own knowledge through problem solving, exploring and conjecturing.

Students should carry out activities through working in groups and learn to communicate each other.
Students should be given opportunity to construct their own knowledge and skill by connecting their previous experiences with future needs. Give them chance to develop their communicative and thinking skills.

In learning new concepts, a students need to construct his own knowledge by relating it to what he already knows.

Constructivism Learning

1.       Train students to be active learner
2.       Students create their own organising principle
3.       Gives students ownership of what they learn
4.       Concentrate on learning how to think and understand not only on rote memorisation
5.       Promotes social and communication skills


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Information processing model

To understand how an individual learns, it is important to know how information is received and processed in the individual’s mind.

Human minds receive information through the five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.

Some information is remembered for a short period and then forgotten while a tiny portion of the large amount of information received may stay in a human’s memory for a very long time.
So, how and why does one’s mind retain some information for a short while or even longer and totally reject some other information?

To understand this, we need to explore and study the information processing model.

Information processing model contain 3 stages: sensory register, short-term memory (working memory), long-term memory.

Sensory register
  • *      Input enters here is the stimuli from the environment
  • *      From our five sensor:  hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch
  • *      Two types of memory:
    • Iconic- visual stimuli
    • Acoustic – sound or audio stimuli

Short-term memory
  • *      The active part of memory
  • *      Limited amount of information stored for a short time
  • *      Repetition and encoding are the processes here
  • *      Adult only can think 7-9 things simultaneously
Long-term memory

The ultimate destination for information that one wants to learn and remember and also the place to store the information on a relatively permanent basis (Ashcraft, 1994)

  • *      Unlimited capacity for storing information
  • *      Consist of at least 3 component:
    • Episodic – concerned with the recollection of experienced events and episodes
    • Semantic – contains the facts and the vast network of conceptual information (‘remembering that’)
    • Procedural – process to do something (‘knowing how’) 

 Lets improve our memory!!!!!!!!!
use mnemonic devices
  •  visual images
  • sentences
  • acronyms
  • rhymes and alliteration
  • jokes
  • "chunking" information
  • "method of loci" 

Perception- select information that is important to the learner
Comprehension- process of constructing a situation
Problem solving- mental process and problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping
Reasoning-to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments

Implications in mathematics
  • help students to remember formulas or term-e.g memorizing tables
  • help students to link new information with the existing information
  • encourage students to do more exercises
  • guide students focusing on the most important information 

Interesting video about information processing model:


Friday, February 18, 2011


Information Processing Approach to Mathematics Instruction
  • Information Processing Model
  • Cognitive Model for Perception, Comprehension, Problem Solving and Reasoning
  • The implications of Information Processing Theory on secondary mathematics learning
